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Morgan Elementary PTO Welcomes You!!


PTO MEMBERSHIP IS FREE, and we would love for you to be part of our group!!

Parents and/or caregivers of students currently enrolled at Morgan Elementary, as well as faculty and staff members, we extend a warm welcome to join our organization as "active" members. By providing us with some basic contact information, you can become a part of our incredible community. Our ultimate aim is to have 100% family participation in the PTO, so we can work together to create a fun learning environment and strengthen our community. We believe that every family can contribute to making our school great, whether it's by volunteering an hour at an event, working as a chairperson on a project, or participating in our meetings. There's something for everyone, and we welcome your involvement!

When you join us, we'll add you to our mailing list so that you're always in the loop about what's happening at Morgan. You'll also be the first to know about any volunteering opportunities that arise, which will help us fulfill our mission.

Please be aware that although joining our group is free, you will need to renew your membership at the start of every academic year.

2023-24 PTO Membership Form



The Morgan Elementary PTO is a non-profit organization that aims to foster a collaborative partnership between parents, teachers, and students. Their goal is to improve the educational environment and enrich the experience of Morgan Elementary students.

We do this in the following ways:

  1. Host extracurricular activities that encourage family involvement and community outreach-
  • Fall Carnival
  • Family Movie Night
  • Family Ice Skating Night
  • Trunk or Treat
  • Urban Air - Spirit Night
  • Cookies with Santa
  • Ice Cream Social
  1. Support school activities and increase school spirit--

  • In-School Assemblies

  • Spiritwear Sales

  • School Supply Kits

  • Accelerated Reader Incentive Program

  • Field Day

  1. Support the Morgan teachers and staff--

  • Staff Appreciation Events
  • Teacher Reimbursement

  1. Coordinate volunteer participation in supporting school programs--

  • All PTO-sponsored events
  • Bookfairs (Fall & Spring)

  1. Raise funds for supplemental services, equipment, and supplies--

  • Fall Carnival
  • Fall Mum Buddies Sale

  • Santa Shop

  • Spring Flower/Plant Sale

  • Box Tops for Education

  • Corporate Rewards Programs

The PTO’s success depends on you, so we invite you to get involved and thank you in advance for all your support! 

You can find us on FACEBOOK --

Volunteer Opportunities

During the school year, we organize various events and activities that require the assistance of parent volunteers for our success. Without their help, we may be forced to cancel an event, which would disappoint our student body greatly. 

Keep an eye out for emails and updates on the Facebook page regarding volunteering opportunities for these events, as well as any others that may be scheduled throughout the school year.

  • Fall Carnival 

  • Fall Book Fair

  • Santa Shop 

  • Spring Book Fair 

  • AR Shopping Days (once per trimester)

A big thank you to all the volunteers who generously give their time and skills to educate and enhance the learning experience of our students. We sincerely appreciate your valuable contribution to our cause.


Spiritwear Sales

Our PTO offers a helpful service project for our students called the Spirit Wear Sale. These sales provide an opportunity for students to purchase Ross Rams apparel, with a limited number of items selected from a company and made available at events such as Open House and Fall Carnival. The sale is organized and run by the chairperson and volunteers, Additionally, we offer an online option for purchases, which is 100% managed by a third-party vendor. They handle everything from designs to orders and delivery, straight to your doorstep.

Spirit Wear Email:

Morgan specific apparel

Ross Rams apparel

Passive Fundraising

Here are some ways to assist Morgan in obtaining free and effortless money. By enrolling in programs such as Box Tops, Kroger Rewards, and Market Day, you can contribute towards purchasing necessary classroom items and participating in PTO-funded special programs for students. These programs offer a percentage of your purchases as a donation towards the Morgan PTO.

  • Box Tops for Education download the app from Google Play or the App Store to your mobile device, search and select Morgan Elementary School (Hamilton, Ohio) as your school of choice for support. You must scan the entire receipt, including the purchase date and time, within 14 days of purchase for credit to be earned. The app recognizes participating products and immediately updates our school’s earnings based on the scanned receipt. Or you can submit your digital receipts via their website, you can also find a listing of participating products there as well.

  • Kroger Community Rewards if you have a Kroger’s Plus card please register it at the following website https:/ to contribute to Morgan Elementary PTO, using this code: (Morgan’s NPO #83730).

  • Market Day create an account to shop and select our organization-  ‘Morgan Elementary - Hamilton, Ohio’ as the benefactor, and our group will earn 10% of your purchases.


2023-2024 Executive Board Members:
  • President: Nicole Peters

  • Vice-President: Tara Gilbert & Kari Yager

  • Treasurer: Bree Brock

  • Secretary: Anna Niese & Brittany Sizemore

Contact us at

Morgan Elementary PTO By-laws

Additional Info